Cari Blog Ini

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Shadow practice in table tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Walking, running, swimming, cycling or other aerobic activities are good ways to improve your general health and can improve your table tennis game.

If done regularly and consistently it will form a good health condition and will make a difference at the end of each tournament. If you feel a disturbance, stop and consult a doctor.

Shadow training is a form of training without using a ping pong ball and imagining the ball coming towards it.

The benefits of shadow training are enormous in improving hitting techniques in table tennis so that you can develop game techniques.

This shadow exercise is carried out to reduce errors that occur repeatedly and is intended to minimize errors.

This type of exercise can be done alone using a bat in general or an iron bat/weight. Improving the shadow movement will get used to correct the punching movement correctly. If done continuously, shadow training can improve abilities, difficult movements will be easy for us to do.

In doing this shadow exercise, imagine punching techniques, especially push punches forehand or backhand.

The ability to do a good push stroke will provide enormous benefits, we will be able to direct the ball to the opponent's area more accurately and quickly, we even enjoy mastering the field, so that the return of the ball from the opponent can be anticipated properly and we can move freely in the direction it came from. ball. That way it will be easier for us to get points and win matches.

How important is shadow training for table tennis players? It's very important, but once the choice keeps coming back to the player, do you still need shadow training to improve his hitting movements or not.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

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