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Sunday, April 30, 2023

Are we going to take our game to the next level?


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

In every exercise, a player must pay attention to the indications of the movement of our game graph as a barometer. No exception in the sport of table tennis. With a small ball, this sport requires foresight, ingenuity, intelligence and expertise of the players. As a professional player, the task of unifying the graph is in the realm of the Manager or Coach. For amateur players / just a hobby, it's enough for us to be able to measure.

If we want the graphics of our game to appear to be improving, of course concrete efforts must be made to achieve this. Another case if we are just a hobby for healthy sports. Can sweat out, hahahahaha with friends playing already feels happy.

If we have a desire to improve the game, of course we have to do a number of things. Practice routines, listen to feedback, correct mistakes and implement. At least that's a simple picture to increase the level of our game.

Agree or disagree with this opinion, it's all up to us who best understand where our game will take us.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Excessive Fatigue


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living


Table tennis is a type of sport that requires excellent physical, mental and stamina. With the support of prime stamina, we can move freely without feeling tired.

Table tennis balls and courts are relatively small in size compared to other sports, but require great concentration and energy to be able to conquer the ball and the court.

We can enjoy playing for hours and changing opponents. But it must be remembered, we must not ignore our physical condition, especially if we are participating in a tournament. If you feel tired, stop and rest. This is important to avoid overexertion. And the most important thing is to drink water as a substitute for sweat that has been wasted from our bodies so that dehydration does not occur. The kidneys will work normally if the need for water is fulfilled.

Kidneys have a function to produce hormones that form red blood cells. And new red blood cells, rich in oxygen that is needed by the body.

Meanwhile, the body and organs need a lot of oxygen to work.

Damaged kidneys cannot produce enough oxygen-producing red blood cells, so the body and organs that are deprived of oxygen will work slower and harder.

Do you know the price for kidney washing? Very expensive, you know.

But this terrible thing can be prevented ONLY by consuming enough water. Cheap right?

With sufficient water intake, the blood will be diluted, so that the kidneys will not be damaged due to blood viscosity. The filtered blood is also dilute enough to maintain the delicate filtering tissues of the kidneys.

Apart from consuming water (not cold) during exercise, it is also mandatory to maintain the body's metabolism and also consume healthy food.

In addition to excessive fatigue, players with a history of heart disease must also take good care of their condition. If you already feel like your heart rate is increasing, you feel short of breath, your chest feels hot and or it reaches your back, take a break immediately, don't force yourself to play. Dizzy eyes and dizziness or cold sweat are also signs that our bodies need to rest immediately. In many cases, due to not heeding body signals, players eventually fall unconscious and are even helpless.

Also read:

Hopefully we avoid excessive fatigue during practice. Our body barometer is in each of us. Don't just because you want to be said to be strong, then ignore our tired signals.

Stop when you're tired, don't have to stop because you're tired.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Tips on How to Return Table Tennis Service


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis is a sport that requires its players to master various techniques, considering that this sport is full of tricks and intrigues to be able to master and even win matches.

Of the various techniques for playing table tennis, there is one technique that is very important for a player

To start the game, a player must serve which must then be returned by the opponent. Serving and returning serve is one of the most important parts of table tennis, and must be practiced.

If we play in a match, being able to return the serve from the opponent is a good capital to continue to the next stage of the game. How could I not, if we can't return the service, it means we lose points and will affect the mentality of the match.

So how do we get the opponent's service back? Concentration is the main thing before we receive a serve, then pay attention to what kind of opponent's serve so we can anticipate it. Filled or empty ball service can be seen in the imposition of the ball on the bet. Then the last thing we have to pay attention to is the direction of the ball, to the right or left of the table and long or short serves.

After the serve is released by the opponent, we are required to read, think and make decisions in a fraction of a second to be able to return the serve, we want to accept it in a way of flip, spin, push, loop or chop depending on the direction of the ball and the type of service that is coming. Try to return to a direction that is difficult for your opponent to attack. If forced to attack the opponent, then we must prepare the best block so as not to benefit the opponent.

To learn how to return serve, try it often during practice and if necessary ask for the assistance of a playmate or coach. Practice is a good time to try to apply new techniques or those we haven't mastered.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Table Tennis Punch Explosiveness


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

How big is the explosion of our moves and punches?

The world of table tennis is a sport that requires stamina, technique, strategy, agility, precision and intelligence to support every game. But all of that must be trained intensely.

To improve punches that can kill opponents, for example, we must practice regularly and repeatedly. Hits that are accompanied by explosions when applying the ball require power in certain parts of the body, namely the wrists which are supported by the strength of the arm muscles.

To train power in certain body muscles in order to produce explosive punch, you can lift weights (dumble). Shadow exercises with iron bats can also be tried to increase our hand power. Try to focus on building muscle strength in the arms to the wrists and fingers. Take advantage of the power that we can when hitting the ball. Relax your hands at the start of the stroke, but play with your wrists when you apply the ball.

There is a significant contribution of arm and wrist muscle strength to the punch power ability in table tennis.

The power of the punch affects the speed and acceleration of the ball. It will cloud the opponent's prediction, because the explosive power of the punch starts from an ordinary start, but ends with strong power in the finish. This technique can be applied to both backhand and forhand attacks.

Consult with the coach to maximize the results of this exercise.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Relax in Playing Table Tennis


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis is a sport that requires relaxation of both the muscles and the mind. Tension will only adversely affect the game.

Remember, the ping pong ball is very light and the ball always spins at its speed. If we tense up with a tight grip and a hard, stiff hit, we will stop the ball from moving through the air. Before playing, relax your body muscles and grip your hands with sufficient stretching. The ping pong ball only needs to be hit with a light touch, whether the ball is moving directly towards us or we have to chase it first.

Besides requiring relaxed body muscles, we also have to keep the mind from getting tense.

If we lose control of our emotions, we will easily hand over the victory of the game to our opponent.

If we don't manage to return several punches in a row, don't get angry/emotional, keep your emotions under control and respond with counterattacks. Don't give up until the game is over.

In table tennis, the direction of play can be reversed very suddenly. Keep playing concentrated, aggressive and persistent.

Towards the end of the game, let's not be passive and expect the opponent to make a mistake, this is the time to take the initiative and earn it!

If we are forced to rush by our opponent, don't let the ball hit the floor without trying to swing our bet. Try to reach every ball that comes no matter how difficult our position is, because every point is very valuable. A chop or lob is not a bad choice if that's the only option. Constantly trying to return the ball out of our reach, which will help us make quick steps or good reflexes. Our opponents will get discouraged and think that their best shot can be returned, and they will believe that no point is free.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

How to train hand speed in table tennis


By Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis is a sport that prioritizes agility and speed in moving. Hands and feet are the most fundamental parts of the body that support the game to be more lively and varied.

The ping pong ball's small size and fast speed requires players to move faster than the ball's speed. Late a fraction of a second the ball will not be reached by our hands. So what are the tips for increasing the reflexes/speed of movement of our hands?

The speed with which our hands move towards the ball target requires a process that is not instantaneous. Hand movement speed can be increased with a variety of routine exercises. Honing reflexes with a multiball or stroke program with a practicing partner is the best thing to do. You can also practice shadows using weights/ iron bats so that later the hands feel lighter when actually playing, thus the hands become more agile in movement.

The strength and agility of the feet and hands are very dominant in supporting the game, because it will greatly affect the fast movement to support the accuracy of the shot. A good stance will affect field control, while the speed of hand movement will make it easier to anticipate the arrival of the ball, so we can hit the ball quickly and with good accuracy. There are many other factors that must be trained besides the game itself so that performance in playing is getting better.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Secrets of How to Fight Long Spots Rubber in Table Tennis for Beginners


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Not all players understand how to beat opponents with long pimples. There are even players who are so reliable against players with smooth/inverted rubber bands (inverted), but look helpless against players who use long pimples.

The problem is that long pimple rubber produces a different effect than plain/slick/ordinary (inverted) rubber.

To be able to play well and be able to win matches against players who use long pips, we must know the characteristics of this type of rubber and apply the right game tactics.

Basically this type of long dotted rubber has a slower character, namely the ball that comes in contact with the rubber becomes slower.

The Long Spot has the property of "continuing the ball", so the effects that arise include changing the type of incoming ball (for example a topspin ball will change to backspin), increasing the strength of the incoming spin, by `pushing` a ball loaded with backspin will produce light top spin, by chopping downwards on the back spin ball it will produce maximum back spin returns.

Thus a simple formula will occur: empty is filled, filled is empty, meaning that if our ball is empty it will return to being a filled ball, and if our ball is filled it will return to being an empty ball.

How to play
After knowing and understanding the effects of the ball produced by long pimples, then to be able to win the game you have to apply the right tactics.

Our position must always be close to the table, do long serves, don't do loops/spin shots over and over again with the same rhythm, use fast and long pushes then do attacks, often use long balls without spin to press.

Sparring Partners
After we know and understand the effects produced by long pimples and the right tactics to deal with them, then one thing that is important to do is often do partner sparring with players who use long pimples to get used to the effects.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Footwork in Table Tennis


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis basic techniques include blade/bet holding techniques, service techniques, service return techniques, stroke techniques, footwork, and body posture and position.

The basic skill or basic skill that must be possessed by athletes is agility.

Table tennis players must have agility when moving. Not only the hands, but also the agility of the feet. Because, to produce quality strokes, harmonization of motion between the hands, body and legs is needed.

Literally footwork means footwork. Leg movement serves as a support for the body to place the body in a position that allows for an effective punching movement.

In playing sports such as badminton or table tennis, footwork is very important in its function to chase the direction of the ball coming from the opponent. One step/move might be dangerous for the player. It is possible that the player will fall due to the foot being pinched and falling. It looks trivial and is often overlooked, but footwork is very important and necessary so that a player's body position can be adjusted quickly and precisely in the direction the ball is coming from. If the footwork is well mastered, then the player will be able to control the field so that it is easier for him to attack and defend.

Do footwork exercises on how to step to pick up the ball in attack and in defense. This exercise can be done when we are practicing shadow shots or multiball/many balls.

Footwork involves maintaining balance, closing or advancing distance, controlling spatial position, and/or creating additional momentum for attacks.

With good footwork and strong stances will support the quality of the shots to the fullest. Of course this still has to be combined with other body parts such as a flexible waist, strong wrists and so on.

If the combination is maintained, it will be easy to produce extraordinary explosive power, and will make it easier to get points in play.

That is why footwork is a very important technique in table tennis.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Table Tennis Rules (change bets during the game, is that okay?)


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis is a sport that is equipped with a bat to play it. Various types and characters of bets, depending on the taste and suitability of the players who use them, both wood and rubber.

The rubber on the bat is distinguished by color on each side because it usually produces two different hitting results.

Even though it's not obvious, one side of the bet has more power, which can throw the ball more forcefully towards the opponent.

Before the match starts, the referee will check the player's bet first, and then between players are welcome to see the bet used by the opponent. If one of the players has objections to the opponent's bet, usually the referee will discuss with the Match Instructor to decide whether the bet can be used or not.

Each committee/EO in a tournament has different rules of the game or policies, there is no standardization of ITTF rules by all EOs, be it tools (bets) or class classification of players.

Changing bets while the game is in progress, is that okay?

Checking the bet by the referee and between players looking at the opponent's bet is intended so that the table tennis player does not suspect which side will hit with which side when playing, speed or power.

Therefore if a player changes bets in the middle of a game, it is certainly not allowed. Determine the bet of our choice before the start of the game, not the game as a place for testing the use of bets / rubber. Even if the player's bet is damaged and cannot be used again during the game, the player can be declared a TKO lose (hahaha...).

But all of that returns to the policies and discretion of the committee/EO. Because grassroots tournaments/hobbyists are usually happy.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Tips for Installing Table Tennis Rubber for Precision

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

The supporting tools in table tennis cannot be separated from the skills of the players, as well as in table tennis. The most that must be considered when we are going to play table tennis is the bat / bet. With the best set up, it is hoped that it will support playing performance.

The best wood and the best rubber according to the player is his choice. Apart from the set up options, we must pay attention to how to concoct it.

For some players, attaching rubber to wood is a normal thing to do. It doesn't matter if new rubber is installed, because of course the rubber is wider than the wood, so it's easy to install, it only remains neat or not in the cutting.

However, if what is installed is second-hand rubber/ex-cut timber A, for example, we have to use a trick to install it.

In this article, the author will provide video tips on how to install table tennis rubber so that the results are precise on the wood.

From the gluing process, the process of drying the glue to attaching the rubber to the wood/bet.

The author uses water/WBG glue as the adhesive, then uses plastic as a rubber regulator for precision. video:

With the installation of rubber that looks neat and precise on the wood, it is hoped that it will support playing performance.

Hopefully these tips can help ping pongers in installing table tennis rubber and are useful for all of us.

Healthy greetings and greetings 🏓

Smart Playing Table Tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis is a sport that combines skill, strength and intelligence. A small ball that is played in table tennis requires fast movements to master it, so that someone who plays table tennis requires certain abilities such as dexterity, intelligence, reflexes, and high reaction power.

In order to become a table tennis player who is good and accomplished, apart from having talent, one must possess the elements mentioned above and must be supported with very good aerobic endurance.

To support success in coaching table tennis players, good physical conditions and player intelligence are needed, because good physical conditions supported by good thinking intelligence play a very important role in increasing achievement.

Physical condition is one of the indispensable prerequisites in any effort to improve a player's performance, it can even be said to be the basic foundation of sports achievement.

The intelligence possessed by players will make it easier for them to set the tempo of play, as well as in the use of tactics and strategies so they can control the game at a certain time.

Intelligence encourages a player to be aware of the importance of training, especially for student athletes who have to share their focus with studying at school or playing with their friends.

In other words, the intelligence of a player plays a very important role in the game of table tennis to absorb, read and apply playing strategies and tactics.

For example, if we are going to serve, think about how we are going to take points. Don't serve before we are sure of returning the opponent's ball. Make your opponent follow our game, not the other way around. Hesitation is worse than a bad decision.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Shadow practice in table tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Walking, running, swimming, cycling or other aerobic activities are good ways to improve your general health and can improve your table tennis game.

If done regularly and consistently it will form a good health condition and will make a difference at the end of each tournament. If you feel a disturbance, stop and consult a doctor.

Shadow training is a form of training without using a ping pong ball and imagining the ball coming towards it.

The benefits of shadow training are enormous in improving hitting techniques in table tennis so that you can develop game techniques.

This shadow exercise is carried out to reduce errors that occur repeatedly and is intended to minimize errors.

This type of exercise can be done alone using a bat in general or an iron bat/weight. Improving the shadow movement will get used to correct the punching movement correctly. If done continuously, shadow training can improve abilities, difficult movements will be easy for us to do.

In doing this shadow exercise, imagine punching techniques, especially push punches forehand or backhand.

The ability to do a good push stroke will provide enormous benefits, we will be able to direct the ball to the opponent's area more accurately and quickly, we even enjoy mastering the field, so that the return of the ball from the opponent can be anticipated properly and we can move freely in the direction it came from. ball. That way it will be easier for us to get points and win matches.

How important is shadow training for table tennis players? It's very important, but once the choice keeps coming back to the player, do you still need shadow training to improve his hitting movements or not.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

How to Quickly Master the Game of Table Tennis


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

When reviewing the game of table tennis, it's incomplete if you don't review tips on how to win it. At least there are several ways to play table tennis for those of us who still want to increase our game level.

1. Body Position / Stance

When playing table tennis, we are advised to position the body slightly bent. Slightly lean our bodies forward to approach the table. With a position like this, we are more prepared and easier to return the ball or counterattack.

The correct body position/stance will help us move in the direction the ball is coming from. There are several body positions that are usually done by table tennis players.

First, our body is in the position of the table side (side). This position is more often used by players with an attacking character when they are about to attack their opponent.

Second, body position facing the net and taking the middle position. This position requires good positioning accuracy. In addition to body position, in this position you also need to pay attention to the right leg position. This is to make it easier for us to move. This position is often used by players with defensive characteristics, such as spot players.

Positions like this are more widely used for returning services that come or as blocking positions.

2. Pay attention to opposing players

The way to play table tennis that can increase your chances of getting points is to pay attention to your opponent. That means we should not only focus on the direction of the ball, but also on the movement of the opponent. By analyzing the opponent's movements, it is hoped that we can anticipate the ball well.

In addition, we can find gaps in our opponent's weaknesses that we can target to gain points. Not easy indeed, but we will get used to it after several times getting used to it.

3. Use a Comfortable Bet

One more thing that can support our game is the use of bets. Use bets that are suitable and comfortable in our hands. That way, we can serve and return the ball comfortably too.

We need to understand how to play table tennis correctly before playing it. Likewise with the rules for playing table tennis along with tips for those of us who are still beginners. Over time, these rules will always be remembered from the top of our heads and we are ready to win every game.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Table Tennis Community and its Benefits


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

The Table Tennis Community is a place to stay in touch, develop the interests, talents and potential of table tennis players. In addition, the Table Tennis Community functions as a unit to accommodate various table tennis sports activities, as well as in an effort to create a bond of integrity for players from various backgrounds and regions in Indonesia.

Table tennis is a relatively fun sport, but this sport also requires skills in hitting and playing the ball. Table tennis is a favorite sport for some people and is one of the sports that can relieve fatigue after a long day of activities. For beginners, table tennis can be played easily and is fun. Meanwhile, for players who are already trained (Amateur, Semi-Professional and Professional), table tennis is one of the sports games for competing game strategies and techniques.

Through the Table Tennis Community, each player is invited to get to know each other and be able to share about table tennis.

Not only that, the Table Tennis community is also a place to foster a spirit of friendship and kinship between players who are members of the community. Through various existing tournament activities, each player is expected to develop skills in playing.

There are many table tennis communities in Indonesia, the founders of which come from various backgrounds and professions. However, after being in a Table Tennis community, they will feel the same in the Table Tennis kinship.

The Table Tennis Community besides having the benefit of being a forum for friendship, there are also members who use it to discuss many things, share knowledge and as a means of marketing certain products, especially those related to the world of Table Tennis.

This is of course very positive, without realizing that the Table Tennis Community has also supported MSMEs in the field of sports, especially table tennis.

Congratulations and enthusiasm for carrying out activities in the New Year 2023, I hope you will be more successful and achieve more so that you can produce table tennis achievements in the country.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

The Benefits of Table Tennis Exercise for Heart and Lung Health

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

The heart and lungs are two vital organs that must be kept healthy. One way to maintain the health of these two organs is to exercise. And the most recommended is aerobic exercise, strength training, stretching, flexibility and balance.

Active moves such as playing table tennis can stimulate the work of the heart and lungs to stay healthy. Table tennis can strengthen the heart muscle, keep body weight stable, and trigger the lungs to work harder to supply the additional oxygen needed by the muscles.

Excess fat is a major risk factor for developing heart disease. Strength training has a significant effect on breaking down fat. Not only reducing fat levels, this exercise can also increase muscle mass.

Table Tennis exercises can also tighten the respiratory muscles, so that we can breathe more effectively. Perform regular exercise at least twice per week. If due to time constraints, try at least once per week to maintain endurance.

Stretching, flexibility and balance don't actually contribute directly to heart health. But it is very important to do before and after we practice.

This is done so that we remain flexible so that we are free from joint pain, cramps, and other muscle problems.

Flexibility and balance exercises help maintain stability and prevent us from falling while playing.

It is believed that table tennis is very good for training the muscles to avoid these two diseases.

Exercise with sufficient portions, a healthy lifestyle with adequate rest, balanced food intake, consumption of vitamins and supplements are also needed to maintain endurance.

It is not recommended for people with heart and lung diseases to force themselves to play table tennis for achievements (competitions/tournaments), just do it for fun. Stop training before exhaustion, not stopping due to exhaustion (fatigue). Get to know our body's signals to avoid things we don't want.

Practice table tennis for the health of our heart and lungs, not after suffering from just practicing table tennis. Don't flip!!

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Tips for choosing Shoes for Table Tennis (part 3)

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

The table tennis player's movement in playing is an irregular movement. We move back and forth, from left to right, then stop in a swinging position and so on depending on the direction of the ball from the opponent. The function of the shoes in this movement is very crucial.

How come? If the shoes we wear are not comfortable, let alone slippery, apart from interfering with acceleration, there is also a very high risk of injury and can cause players to fall due to slipping.

In order for our feet to stop where we want them to, the grip of the shoe is very important. The key is in the quality of the shoes with a good outsole. If the grip of the shoes is strong, our footing on the floor will also be very strong so that we don't slip easily. The sound of shoes squeaking besides being beautiful to hear when we play, usually indicates that the grip of the shoes is good.

Every table tennis shoe has traction, but it varies depending on the quality of the shoe. For players who already have quite high flying hours, the outsole grip of the shoe must be really considered so that it can support game performance.

Shoes with outsole made of raw rubber can be recommended for us to choose, because it has the characteristics of a mat/non-slippery on the floor.


Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Tips on choosing Shoes for Table Tennis (part 2)

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Shoes are an important support tool for accelerating the movement of a player's feet. Table tennis shoes with flat cushions are needed so that our feet are stable in their movements. Flat cushions are able to support the body stably, so they don't wobble easily when playing table tennis.

For beginners who have horses that are not yet good, it can be suggested to wear shoes with a rather high cushion. This is of course with the consideration that high-cushioned shoes will be softer on the feet, thus reducing the risk of foot injury for the wearer, but they have the disadvantage of being less stable when used and rather heavy. This will slightly interfere with acceleration.

Apart from not only based on the size of the foot, the width and height of the instep (as in review part 1), it is also necessary to pay attention to the stability of the shoe in each part, especially on the arch of the foot, choose one with flat pads so it doesn't wobble when we jump!

To produce numbers in table tennis, we need to move quickly to hit the ball. We will often move back and forth, from left to right, then stop in a swinging position. Often the direction of the ball that comes is not as predicted so that our bodies are unstable when we want to hit the ball. With flat bearings, our feet are more stable in their stance.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Tips for choosing Shoes for Table Tennis (part 1)

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis or ping pong is a sport that is popular with both men and women. This sport also does not require troublesome preparation. In every RT in a neighborhood where you live or where you work, ping pong tables are quite easy to find. In a residential area, for example, a ping pong table set up under a mango tree can still be played, unlike other sports that require a special place. There are those who wear shoes or just flip flops for players in the neighborhood, the important thing is they are happy

There are special shoes for table tennis. Not all indoor shoes can be used to play table tennis. There are a few things we need to know about table tennis shoes. When referring to special shoes for ping pong, there are several product recommendations from well-known brands such as ASICS, Mizuno, and Butterfly, but the prices are quite expensive.

To be able to play table tennis does not require players to wear well-known shoe products as above, wearing local shoes as long as they are comfortable is also allowed.

Table tennis is a sport that requires dynamic movements, so that the weight of the body is often concentrated on one side of the leg. This makes our feet need shoes that are comfortable and have enough space for movement. The toes and instep should have extra room for comfort.

So, make sure to choose shoes not only based on the size of the foot, but also the width and height of the instep.

To get around the high price of shoes specifically for famous brand table tennis, we can choose shoes from local products or other products that are more affordable to our pocketbook.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

How to create a character table tennis player

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis is not a simple sport, it is quite "delicate" to master from A to Z techniques. But nothing is impossible if we start with the intention, the willingness to practice regularly under the supervision of a coach.

Early age players are like white paper, it's just how the coach directs the child in practice. Continuous multi-ball practice is the initial capital to improve hitting reflexes.

In addition to the internal factors of technical mastery, external factors should also not be ignored. Mental, attitude, physical and psychological must also be fostered so that a good playing character is perfectly formed. And no less important is the support from parents

Good language and good speech from the supervisor must be felt by the child and shown by actions. That way, children feel valued and grow their self-confidence.

It doesn't necessarily mean that the trainer's instructions can be digested immediately. It takes patience and perseverance so that child psychology is maintained.

Exercise variations must be applied so that children do not feel bored. Practicing while playing, that's about to get the kids excited about practicing. If in practice he already enjoys it, of course it will be easier for him to accept the coach's instructions. The mentality of early age players must be nurtured without compromising the rights of children at their age, practicing varied with the game can be applied in certain training sessions.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Table tennis competition as a barometer of player skills


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

The barometer for sports achievement is the achievement of competition results by an athlete/player. Without competition, good achievements will not be born.

All sports have a competition agenda, usually the parent organization has a fixed calendar. But for the grassroots class, it seems that only table tennis has the most competition in tournament containers, both mini and open tournaments. Almost every Saturday/Sunday in Greater Jakarta there is always a table tennis tournament.

Not all players aim for the podium in participating in a tournament, of course by measuring the skills they have. Participating in tournaments can at least serve as a measure of improving skills while we practice, it can also be a place for friendship between players.

It feels incomplete if we have practiced but have not tried to compete in tournaments, like vegetables lacking salt, that is a process that must be passed by every player. The spirit of participating in the competition, muster all the capabilities that are owned, enjoy the results after we have tried our best.

Whatever the result of the competition, evaluate the deficiencies that still exist, and the next step is to target goals in the next competition.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Rubber Spots on Table Tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Apart from the slippery/inverted type of rubber, in table tennis games it is also permissible to use other types of rubber such as speckled rubber or anti-spin/power rubber.

Short Spots/ Attack Spots/ Binser:
Short pimples-out bands are usually used by hitters (read: hit flat, low spin) who play close to the table. Short spots do not produce as much spin as smooth/inverted rubber, but make it easier for the wearer to deal with the opponent's spin. The speed produced from short pimples is generally higher than that produced by inverted even with the same sponge. Depending on the thickness of the sponge, short pimples can also be used to chop with the various spins they can produce. When doing blocks and attacks often produce deadballs (read: dead balls float as if without spin).

Long Spots/ Persistent Spots:
The spots on the long pimples-out rubber are relatively long and soft. Long Spot is unable to generate spins of its own, but instead relies on spins from opponents. This is used by the wearer to confuse opponents and break their rhythm. Long Spot relies on the incoming opponent's ball spin, tends to continue the opponent's spin (read: the ball comes topsin, returns backspin), because it bends at impact, the result is to reverse or change the incoming spin, unlike in a smooth/inverted rubber.

Long Spot Rubber is usually used by near-table block players, choppers, but in some cases can also be used away from the table for long distance chop shots. Long Spotted Rubber is usually only used on the backhand side, with limited attacks on this side. The Long Spot also allows for aggressive play, despite their low ability to generate spin.

Now it's the player's turn, which type of character do you want to use? Just adjust to each other's tastes to support maximum performance. (End)

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Slippery/Plain Rubber on Table Tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis is a sport of dexterity that requires a blade/bet as a ball bat to play. Like a badminton racket, the bat is the most important tool besides the table, net and ping pong ball. But did you know that the bets used by table tennis players have various variants and combinations of characteristics?

The bet consists of a wooden and rubber set. To set up a suitable bet, players usually do several trials before deciding on the set up of their choice.

Smooth/Plain Rubber (Not Chinese Products):
For example, a smooth or inverted (non-spotted) rubber surface, this type is mostly used by players with an attacking style, although many defenders also use it. With its characteristic smooth surface (smooth) with the smooth surface facing outward and the pimple (spot) facing towards the inside of the blade, it allows the player to produce high spin and speed. Spin is generated not only by the performance of the topsheet (outer layer), but also by the pressure of the ball (sticking and sinking) into the sponge resulting in extensive ball contact on the surface of the rubber.

Smooth/Plain Rubber (Chinese Product):
Chinese rubber products generally have a more sticky or "tacky" topsheet. Spin is generated mostly by the topsheet, with the relatively denser and harder sponge.

The effect will result in high spin, and usually a short short game that is much better and has good attacking abilities than ordinary (non-Chinese) slippery rubber. But it has the disadvantage of being less consistent in playing defense and/or countering.

Set up tools only as a support in the game, the most important is the mastery of techniques, playing strategy and prime stamina which we must hone and train continuously.

To be continued....

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Dream in practicing Table Tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Dreams are the key for us to conquer inevitability. Practice tirelessly until we reach it. Hobbies are not bound by time, free our dreams to color the rainbow in the soul.

Love for a healthy life gives an eternal smile, even though life is sometimes unfair (sick), but love completes us.

Hobbies are not bound by time, don't stop coloring the millions of dreams in our souls.

In undergoing training we will meet various challenges and new lessons. Starting from difficult achievements, to existence among friends.

Maybe some players are reluctant to discuss training and progress afterwards.

There are those who feel afraid, doubtful, or believe that they should just avoid talking about achievements, with the excuse that training is just to keep fit and have fun. It's okay, but it would be better if in practice we can live it in a balanced way.

That way, physical and mental happiness will be more pronounced.

Target in practice. Each player has their own target, there is an achievement target, a stamina target, a target that wants to be able to do certain techniques, a target to defeat player A, for example, and so on.

Practice and keep laughing happily, even though the achievements are not as beautiful as expectations.

Give thanks to the Almighty

our physical and spiritual health, forever will not be bound by time...

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Strength in playing Table Tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

As we know, table tennis is a very energetic sport. The characteristics of skill and agility are attached to this sport in addition to intelligence thinking.

The skill abilities that we have become good capital in playing. Stamina, mental, skill or strategy must always be sharpened so that the quality does not decrease.

Did you know that strength does not come from physical ability? Strength comes from an indomitable will. Willingness will support all aspects of getting success. Wanting to practice regularly, willing to accept input from anyone and willing to work hard is the key to success. If you work hard, you will get closer to success.

But stay humble even though success is in your hands.

Happy physical exercise, exercise and thought.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Don't underestimate stretching before practicing table tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Stretching or stretching the muscles is a warm-up movement that is generally done before sports to prepare the body's muscles so they don't get injured. Not only that, many people also do stretching when their body starts to feel stiff and sore.

As we get older, the body will become less flexible or flexible, especially if we rarely move or exercise. This can make activities less comfortable.

To maintain the flexibility and strength of the body's muscles, we can routinely do stretching. This movement can keep the muscles flexible, strong, and healthy. In addition, the benefits of stretching are also good for maintaining the health and strength of the body's joints.

With regular exercise and stretching, we will avoid various complaints, such as joint pain or stiffness and muscle tension.

The benefits of stretching are not only for physical health, but also mental health. When done regularly, this movement can relax tense body muscles so that stress can be controlled and the mind is calmer. Thus, playing we can be more relaxed.

Stretching apart from minimizing injuries, with flexible muscles and bodies will help make our movements easier in playing.

It looks trivial and many players underestimate it, even though there are many positive benefits from this stretching movement.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Tips for Caring for Blade / Bet or Rubber in Table Tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

For table tennis fans, one of the main tools that must be considered is the Blade/ Bet. This tool is the most dominant in supporting game performance.

Just like a racket in badminton, the bat functions as a ball bat in table tennis. Bet made of wood and covered with a coating made of rubber. In order for bet to be durable in use, we must take care of it in the right way. Here are some tips on caring for table tennis bets that we can do:

1. Store in a dry place

Store the bet in the right place, namely in a dry place, not wet and not damp. Bet is made of wood and rubber which cannot stand being stored in a humid atmosphere. Moist air can cause the bat rubber to oxidize and damage the quality of the wood in the bat.

2. Store in Clean Condition

Keep the bet in a clean condition. Make it a habit to clean bet immediately after use. We can use rubber cleaning fluid to remove the dust that sticks. If not cleaned immediately, this dust can cause the quality of the rubber on the bat to decrease.

3. Avoid exposure to sunlight

Store the bet in a place protected from direct sunlight. Sunlight can cause the quality of bat rubber to decrease. Sunlight can change the rubber properties of the bet and affect the condition of the bet surface. This can cause the performance of the bet to decrease when used to hit the ball.

4. Immediately Replace If It Is Damaged

If the rubber surface on the bat has changed, then you should replace the rubber immediately. Choose quality rubber and choose products from trusted brands. It's best not to delay replacing the rubber if it shows signs of damage because later our game will not be optimal.

5. Use a Special Container

We can store table tennis bets in a special container. We can buy bet containers at sporting goods stores. Storing bet in the right special container can maintain quality and extend the life of the bet that we use.

It is highly not recommended to keep the bet in the car for too long. The temperature in the car that is not stable will affect the properties of rubber. Moreover, cars are often parked in hot places exposed to sunlight.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Avoid shortness of breath when playing table tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Getting tired quickly or easily "struggling" tends to be used as a scapegoat for being lazy to exercise regularly. You've just been exercising for a while, uh, you're short of breath and your body is tired?

Even though there is a way so that the body is not easily tired. Namely with VO2 Max training (read: vi-o-two max). This exercise isn't just for athletes. You guys can try it too.

VO2 Max is a person's maximum ability to consume oxygen when the body is doing intense activities, such as during sports.

In simple terms, it is how strong the organs of our body work when they are working intensely for a certain period of time. So, by increasing your VO2 Max, you can better fight fatigue during activities.

*Practice regularly gradually!!!* This is what we have to do, practice proportionally, schedule and continue. Increase gradually until the progress of the exercise is achieved and you don't feel tired every time you go through a training schedule.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Process Spots

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Apart from being a unique sport, table tennis is more difficult for the general public to do than other sports. The size of the ball is small, the field is relatively small, the tools with all the characteristics of the ball produced are some of the reasons why people generally call table tennis a sport that is quite difficult to learn.

The rubber used by players, for example, is very diverse in its types and characteristics. For a beginner like me, facing a slippery rubber opponent's game is considered normal, even though there are many losses.

However, if you face an opponent who has spots, let alone one who is processing it, it feels like the training that has been undertaken becomes meaningless. That is also the reason for many players who try to switch to using process spots to easily beat opponents.

But did you know that learning to use binpros rubber is not as easy as we imagine?

Block, poke, twiddel, etc. techniques must be learned, and it requires patience and the process is not instantaneous.

And what we also need to know, it turns out that even though the price is relatively cheap compared to slippery rubber, its durability is not too long compared to slippery rubber which can last for months of use.

Incorrect execution of the ball can result in protol pips, this makes players try to change the rubber so that the performance of the game is maintained. At least that's a little story from one of the players with binpros rubber through light discussion.

It turns out that even though the price of binpros is cheap, because of its "short durability" the expenses are not much different from buying slippery rubber.

Is that right? Only true binpros players can explain their experience. Hehehe

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Bounce the Ball When Serve a minimum of Sixteen Centimeters

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Please note, serve is the first shot to start a game of table tennis.

A good serve will also affect a good shot. The serve technique is not only ceremonial used to start the game.

Not a few table tennis athletes who use the serve as part of a deadly attack. This move was made with the hope that the opponent could not return the blow.

If the opponent can reply, we can easily return the ball back to the opponent's defense. The next step can be done by smashing so that the points are successfully obtained.

Serve is also part of the playing strategy. Serve is the beginning we play to determine the decision of the next shot.

Serve is sometimes not noticed by some players. From quality to regulations regarding serves, they don't get enough portion in practice.

Some players still ignore it, tend to serve "Spanish" (half-help) for the ambition of getting points in the game.

An example that we often see is the lack of bouncing the ball when serving for the sake of "quality serve" killing the opponent.

16cm is the minimum height for the ball to bounce according to ITTF rules, and PTMSI certainly adopts these rules. It is still understandable for hobbyists if they still make mistakes, but it is highly recommended for every player to get used to following the existing rules. Usually if our serve is protested by the opponent and reminded by the referee, it will affect the psychology and the next game. Remember...sixteen centimeters...hehehe

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Table tennis buddy


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Talking about table tennis certainly cannot be separated from your opponent, both during practice and matches. When they first met as opponents in a match, the second meeting usually became friends, and so on.

Table tennis is indeed a means of friendship without boundaries between players. With various characters and backgrounds, players don't mind. It's just that we have to be very good at bringing ourselves in the association. Maintain ethics, both verbal and deed is the key to friendship happening.

I really feel the friendship that exists between table tennis players, which I have never found before in any other sport that I have been involved in. Sometimes we are even greeted by people we have never met before. If you play sportsmanlike when you win or lose, thank God you play well and reach the podium, many other players will definitely know you. Like a celebrity huh? Ha ha ha...

Sometimes friends have an important role in the progress of our game or achievements. Without realizing it, we receive a lot of positive input both from playing and during discussions. We will get a real picture of what the word "achievement is not an instant product but a process" means. Including, anyone who is involved in the process, so that we succeed in achieving achievements.

Keep practicing table tennis and keep making friends. On the table they become opponents, off the table they become friends.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Emotional Intelligence

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Table tennis is a sport that requires emotional intelligence in playing, bearing in mind that this sport is unique in that it requires a player to think hard and improvise in play.

Players are required to be able to modify a situation that arises, both from within and from outside us, both during training and when competing to achieve achievements.

The player's ability to regulate his emotions with intelligence will maintain emotional harmony and its implementation through self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation, empathy and social skills.

Having self-awareness in carrying out training programs, being able to control oneself so that the emotions that arise are not excessive, being able to motivate oneself to excel, being sensitive to the feelings of others and being able to take advantage of them in moderation, being able to work with coaches as well as supporters is an indicator that these players have emotional intelligence the good one. With these abilities, a player will be able to manage aerobic/moving endurance to support playing performance. Manage emotions when playing so that the game is easy to control. Of course, the main key remains persistence and discipline in practice.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Is There a Correlation Between Emotional Intelligence and Table Tennis?


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Small ball game in table tennis is a sport that has a fast character, so for someone who plays table tennis requires certain abilities such as dexterity, intelligence, reflexes, and high reaction power.

Thus, in order to become a good table tennis player who is expected to excel, in addition to the talent that must be possessed, one must also be equipped with the elements mentioned above, and supported by very good aerobic endurance.

Table tennis is currently experiencing quite rapid progress after the Covid-19 pandemic. This can be seen from the enthusiasm of the community in every tournament or match. As soon as registration was opened, players and hobbyists quickly responded, even exceeding the quota set by the committee

Seeing this development, the sport of table tennis now tends to aim towards achievement. To support success in coaching table tennis players, good physical conditions and emotional intelligence are needed, because physical conditions supported by good thinking intelligence play a very important role in increasing achievement.

Physical condition is one of the indispensable prerequisites in any effort to increase the achievement of an athlete, it can even be said to be the basic starting point for an achievement sports prefix.

Emotional intelligence in the context of playing is how an athlete is playing the tempo, as well as the use of tactics in order to control the game according to the desired tactic for a very long time.

Emotional intelligence encourages an athlete to be aware of the importance of training, especially student athletes who must divide their focus between lessons at school and also playing time with friends.

In other words, emotional intelligence plays a very important role in table tennis to absorb, read and apply playing strategies and tactics.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Happiness is healthy

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

The majority of sports activities are carried out happily, especially game sports. The sport of table tennis is one example, in practice sessions the players always laugh.

Maybe some people underestimate this laughter. In addition to relaxing the nerves, of course laughter will relax the mind and reduce stress and can increase immunity. And many more benefits of laughter / laughter for health.

In childhood we could laugh tens to hundreds of times a day, but for players who are aged, laughter is an activity that must be continuously built along with the many matters and needs in the family. It is at the practice site that we can let go of tension, after a day's activities that require serious thinking.

Besides laughing can increase intake of oxygen-rich air in the blood, laughter also makes us feel happy. Making ourselves happy is commonplace, but if we laugh we can make others happy, good relationships can be established and positive energy is maintained.

Sharing experiences and skills with playmates will not reduce the knowledge we have, it will even become a field of goodness and keep us grounded in order to maintain friendship.

Continue to be a player with a good personality and make others happy from our kindness.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Crazy Table Tennis Player

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Most sports players who use tools to support games will choose the tools they use as optimally as possible. With the hope that this tool can support the performance of the game.

Different sports also need the tools needed. In table tennis, for example, this sport is a type of sport that requires the most "precise" equipment specifications.

How come? From the blade / bat that is used, the players have to look for wood to rubber setups that are suitable to support the performance of the game.

Not only that, as much as possible the existing settings are expected to make it difficult for the opponent to play as well. For unskilled players, it is guaranteed to have difficulty playing when facing an opponent with spots or anti-power. But with the improvement of a player's technique, everything can be learned and can win matches.

Then it was from there that the creations of players and creators of blade setups developed. Come up with ideas on how to have tools that can make it difficult for your opponent when playing. One of them is by processing rubber, whether it is speckled or slippery rubber. But what is most obvious to the naked eye is the speckled rubber if it has gone through the processing stage.

Many players are confused about what kind of setup they want to use to improve their performance. Everything returns to the players themselves, where do we want to go and where do we go to play table tennis. Needless to say, the most unique repertoire is only in table tennis. Table tennis has indeed become a magnet for some people as an alternative to fun sports, especially sports lovers who are old and still want to be in shape, usually table tennis is the choice because the risk of injury is very small compared to other sports.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

The Benefits of Drives in Table Tennis

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

Drive punch is a form of punch technique that is carried out with the bat movement from the bottom oblique to the top of the arm with the bat position closed.

This drive technique aims to suppress the opponent's movement backwards horizontally so that the opponent will return the ball to our table in a bounce which will ultimately make it easier for us to attack and kill the opponent.

This technique is one of the most important elements that must be mastered by table tennis players. But not all players can do this technique while playing.

The accuracy of the drive stroke to make the opponent run for the ball that is far from reach is also used to finish a game, because often the opponent cannot reach the ball.

In its implementation punch drives are divided into two categories, forehand drives and backhand drives. Both forehand and backhand drives are very effective for generating points.

It is from these two strokes that the various variations of strokes in table tennis are more interesting to watch. A player's ability and intelligence in playing table tennis can simply be measured by the level of the player's ability to master the two techniques. Including basic techniques, but sometimes players forget to practice while playing, because they only focus on how the ball keeps entering the opponent's table area. It takes precision and foresight in making drives, because there are not a few drive punches that often don't cross the net or get stuck, then are inaccurate and often pass from the opponent's table (out). In this case it is clear that players often lose points and actually add points to the opponent.

Don't be afraid to try if you want to be able to, because it can happen because you are used to it.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Jon Pingpong's pongcast

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

In the digital era like today, one of the most effective delivery of information is through the online media YouTube. Countless YouTubers post videos of matches as well as tricks and tips on ping pong techniques.

We know many YouTube Podcasts, discussing various issues from celebrities to politics. But for the Podcast that discusses ping pong, I just saw the creations of young people on Jon Pingpong's Pongcast. The creator is Hady Winata, a youth and ping pong player from Bekasi. The creativity is original, still amateur but could be developed into an interesting ping pong podcast in the future.

Episode 1 features Singgih Ezekiel's narration, and episode 2 brings in Gilang Maulana as his narrator.

In my opinion, the choice of the right narration can inspire anyone who watches it, especially for Indonesian table tennis players.

Episode after episode, the shooting angle has been improved, indicating that the creator is able to absorb input from outside.

In the 2nd episode with Gilang Maulana's narcissism, if I may give a suggestion:

When the host is talking to the audience, try to zoom the camera in to the host.

Likewise, when the narsum is speaking to convey his views, try to zoom in on the camera to the narsum (with the angle taken from the side behind the host), so that the narsum's view seems to involve the audience in interacting.

The rest is okay, keep on being creative with Jon Pingpong's Pongcast, uncle Hadi is cool 👍👍

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

To maintain friendship between table tennis players at the grassroots, Singgih Yehezkiel in collaboration with RCC Cikarang West Java Sports Center held a tournament entitled RCC Ramadhan Cup on May 1 2021,

The RCC Ramadhan Cup tournament begins with a prayer together. Even though it is titled Ramadhan Cup, the prayer reading is carried out by the ustad and the priest alternately. Joint prayers are expected for the advancement of national table tennis regardless of differences. Religious tolerance exemplifies communal cohesiveness.

Currently there are three management bodies in PTMSI. With the existence of three PTMSI management, the fate of players from beginners, cadets to seniors seems to have no direction.

In his remarks, Singgih Ezekiel conveyed a moral message addressed to the President to be willing to mediate in resolving the crisis within PTMSI.

Previously, Singgih and several Indonesian table tennis activists had also sent an open letter to the President, but until now the government, through the Ministry of Youth and Sport, has received no response.

Closing his remarks, Singgih hoped that PTMSI's management trialism would soon find the best solution with the President's intervention, in this case the government through the Ministry of Youth and Sport so that the fate of table tennis players and people would be excited again.

Exactly at 19.00 WIB the match started. Competing Division 4, 5, 6 and 7 took place at GOR RCC Cikarang, Bekasi district and was attended by 54 of the best players presenting quality games. These players include those from Bekasi, Jakarta, Bandung, Garut, Tegal, Purwodadi and their surroundings.

Fighting over fixed trophies and coaching money, the champions born from the event were:

1. Mulyadi Spots / Purwodadi

2. Figo / Stoni Bekasi

3. Edi Suryanto / RCC Bekasi

3. Sahuri / Tegal

Congratulations to the winners, congratulations to all participants, enthusiasm and thanks for the hard work of the committee so that the activity was carried out smoothly and successfully.

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

Critical Number

By: Kasmono Monex, healthy living fan

Numbers or points in every sports game are the most valuable, including table tennis.

Why does every majority player play so insistently during the match? It simply maintains the name of the point. So important? Of course!!

The point advantage is what causes a player to win the game.

Then how do you get around the game at critical points?

Most players will play very carefully. Some are trying to calm down more so that their mentality is easy to control. There are also those who encourage themselves by shouting. However, there are players who take advantage of the opportunity by asking the referee for a time out, so they can discuss with the officials in determining this crucial strategy.

Analysis and clear thinking greatly influence the steps taken. Keep fighting for one point, the rest is the lucky factor that plays a role.

Any other experiences?

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓

The importance of a coach in a table tennis match


By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

In a match, the services of a companion/coach are needed by a player. It doesn't have to be someone who is an expert at playing, but rather how that person can read and analyze our game and the opponent's game. It could be from our own friends, or it could be from a real trainer. Giving motivation alone is very helpful for a player to raise enthusiasm. Due to many things in the game, the player cannot see his own weaknesses, even his opponent's. So, to see the blind spot, we need someone to help us. We often call this person a coach / coach.

Sitting on the sidelines, observing, observing and looking for formulas for the ongoing game strategy. During a time out or break, that's the right time for coaching, giving directions to the players so they can develop as expected.

So important is the services of a coach in a match, so that we can get out of the opponent's pressure thanks to the coach's analysis and direction. Choose a coach who provides solutions and makes you feel comfortable with the instructions. Don't be the other way around, giving directions but not adjusting to the abilities of the players which will make the players confused and may even be depressed.

But there are also players who don't use the services of a coach in a match, no problem. Even able to defeat opponents who use the services of a coach.

Without coaching or not, depending on the players themselves, we can manage the game and our minds for implementation in the game.

But it would be great if in a match we are accompanied by a trusted coach.

Healthy spirit and greetings

Looking for the best table tennis equipment set up

By: Kasmono Monex, a fan of healthy living

The world of table tennis is indeed unique, there will be no end if we want to peel one by one the things related to this one sport.

Tools, is something that is most often used as a topic of discussion for players and table tennis lovers. Wood, rubber or other equipment to support the game is certainly very concerned by every player. Being wanted as well as setup trial material is common. Players compete to find the best setup that matches their game character. But not infrequently if you lose in a match, the tool is used as a scapegoat. Yes, I lost because I just changed the rubber. Or, I lose because my opponent wears freckles. Those are just a few examples of reasons to console yourself from defeat. 😀

Why is it so difficult to convince yourself that hand settings, aka SKILL, are more important than going back and forth looking for tool settings? If you want to change setups, look for references from friends, literacy or try other player setups that are like what we want.

If we can convince ourselves like this, surely if we lose we will reason that the opponent is better than us. Be diligent in practicing so that the hand settings can be formed. 💪

Healthy spirit and greetings 🏓